Follow Friday #3

Welcome, everyone! It's time for the weekly fun! As always, this meme is hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee.

Do you like fantasy or realistic books? - The Realm of Books

The book that really get me into reading addiction is of fantasy genre. I've always love fantasy. The writing style in itself are much different. Besides, why would I want to read realistic books when the reason I read in the first place is to escape reality? Also, realistic books usually handles issues that are common and I found myself reading many realistic books that doesn't really vary much from each other. On the other hand, fantasy can be about anything, be anywhere and anytime. I always crave the feeling I get when I read a fantasy. It's almost euphoric.
I prefer fantasy from Middle Grade because I think Middle Grade have a special feeling to it. I always find books of Middle Grade to be more magical, fun and much more refreshing to read. 

Happy Friday, everyone! Hope you guys have a lovely weekend! 
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