Such A Secret Place by Cortney Pearson
(Stolen Tears #1)
Publication date: April 1st 2015
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Raids splatter across the news–Arcaian soldiers are stealing magic left and right, using it against the people they steal it from.
When sixteen-year-old Ambry Csille’s brother gets taken in one of these raids, her utter fear and panic should be enough to invoke tears in any normal world. But for Ambry, tears are a thing of the past.
Because of a spell, people can no longer feel emotion; not enough to cry, and definitely not enough to defend themselves against the tyrannical soldiers stealing her people’s magic. A rare vial of enchanted tears chooses Ambry to reverse the spell, and soon she finds herself the target not only of the Arcaians, but of battle-scarred Talon Haraway, who wants the tears for his own reasons.
All Ambry wants is to rescue her brother, but when her tears get stolen, Ambry determines to work with Talon to get them back. Any day the Arcaians could drink her tears. Any day they’ll succeed at draining her people’s magic completely, and all hope will be gone—not only for her brother, but for her world.
Author Interview
Tell us a little bit about The Stolen Tears series, and especially Such a Secret Place. Where did you get your idea?The idea of a world where tears are magical came to me while I was jamming out to a song by Shiny Toy Guns. I don’t remember which song (I wish I did!) but the idea just bulldozed into my brain and wouldn’t let me go!Have you always wanted to be a writer?
The series is about a girl who finds a vial of magical tears and has to use them to break a spell. These tears are the most powerful ever shed, and so naturally many others are after them as well and Ambry has to protect them while trying to decipher who to trust.
Yes! I remember drawing pictures and scribbling underneath them before I even knew *how* to write, then going around to my family members and telling them my stories.What inspires you?
Music, definitely. I ALWAYS write with music on, and I usually fit it to the mood of the scene I’m trying to write. Reading stories or watching movies like mine helps too. I was stumped the other day, but while watching Divergent with some friends inspiration struck and I suddenly knew how to fix a spot I’d been struggling to write.
Do you listen to music when you write?
I do! It helps me block everything else out, strangely enough.On that note, what’s your favorite Pandora station/type of music?
Lately my writing stations are Film Scores radio, Birdy radio (for romantic, swoony scenes), and I’m really liking Ed Sheeran’s stuff and a band called Superhumanoids.Any other hobbies besides writing?
I read a lot, mostly. Pretty standard, lol. I also love to play the clarinet.Scenario: It’s the end of the world. Aliens are invading and you have two minutes to hurry and grab your three favorite things before rushing off to safety. What do you grab?
Assuming my family is already coming with me, my top three items would be--
1. The flash drive with all my writing on it
2. My clarinet
3. My copy of Jane Eyre
About The Author

Cortney Pearson is a book nerd who studied literature at BYU-Idaho, a music nerd who plays clarinet in her local community orchestra, and a writing nerd who creates stories for young adults. Cortney lives with her husband and three sons in a small Idaho farm town.
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